What To Expect On First Year After Marijuana Addiction Treatment

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration believes that recovery from addiction is not the only time to get sober from drugs, such as marijuana. It is also a significant time after marijuana addiction treatment options for recovering individuals to make changes in their lives.

Everyone in recovery has different experiences and challenges. However, it is very common to see them getting stressed with their new life without cannabis.

Although there is no guaranteed “one size fits all” technique for them after marijuana addiction treatment, they can avoid some problems and learn to handle them. Here are some things that people need to be aware of on the first year following their marijuana abuse treatment:

·         Make a routine.

When people come out of the marijuana addiction treatment, they need to plan a routine. Stress is one factor that can collapse their concentration. However, having a routine minimizes this problem. A routine makes things organize. When they follow a routine, they are less prone to missing on important doctor’s or support group appointments. A routine also reduces the possibility of overloading their work. Plan the things to do in a day, without so many activities. Keep things simple. It can avoid stress as you only do things that you can handle at a time.

·         Depression is common.

Depression after a marijuana addict treatment is very common. This is brought by the roller coaster of emotions they feel as part of their recovery. Sometimes, depression can stop them from pursuing their recovery goals. They stop seeing their doctor, stop attending support group meetings and do activities hat support their recovery.

This is where the need for a solid support group comes into place. Having family and friends is not enough. You should also form a social network and join support groups to help you in times like this. By joining groups in recovery, there would always someone to cheer you up or enlighten you. You wouldn’t feel alone managing this post-addiction symptom.

·         Relapse is common.

Every recovering individual needs to know that relapse is very usual after marijuana addiction treatment. When they feel the urge and cravings are so strong, it doesn’t mean that their treatment for marijuana abuse has gone wrong or it is ineffective. Relapse is very common to people, even those who have been sober for many years. To protect yourself from relapsing, practice the coping strategies and equip yourself with more of these.

·         Triggers are everywhere.

Triggers including hunger, anger, lonely and tired are the most common triggers for relapse. There are more than these. People, places and things that remind of addiction are triggers that you need to avoid. You need to be aware of them following your marijuana addiction treatment, so that you’ll not be caught off-guard. By knowing the triggers, you’ll be away from the chance of relapsing.

The initial year after the treatment for marijuana addiction is very crucial. You need to know the triggers and practice the coping mechanisms. There are many things to do after weed addiction treatment. Don’t be overwhelmed because every recovering individual is experiencing the same.